Monday, January 30, 2012

It was...........

a very draining weekend....mentally and emotionally.  i decided that i would go for a drive with a friend and try to find some “decrepitude” to shoot.  That always cheers me up....Rural decrepitude....the textures and colors, aged wood and metal.  I love finding the beauty in it all.
After driving and stopping at various abandoned buildings, of the farm kind, i very nearly drove past a vacant house.  Old, with wavy glass in the windows.....and a for sale sign out front.  My car knows how to do a U turn just picking up my excited vibes, i am sure!
To make a long story short, as i was capturing an old canning jar with rusty lid on the peeling windowsill, she tried the door handle on the was OPEN!!!!  To me that is like getting an engraved invite to the Prince’s, even better than that!! She looked at me and as soon as she saw my face, she said “I am NOT going in there!”.  I smiled....”I am!” and i slipped thru the door like a wisp of smoke! She stood on the porch, but then i think decided she better not stand there attracting attention, so she followed me and closed the door.  It was decrepitude in it’s finest form....textures of peeling paint,..tattered wallpaper, vines growing INSIDE the windows, old light fixtures, a dead animal on the kitchen floor....(possibly Puxatawney Phil, but hard to say!)  
I must say, a day out in the country, shooting with a friend, finding a fabulous piece of decrepitude WITH an open door....there isn’t much else you an ask for.....oh, and i survived another mONDAY....most horrid day of the week!
i have included a shot or two of the wonderful decrepit things we found....but will save you the anguish of the deceased critter....whatever it is!
Have a bright and beautiful Tuesday.  i can’t wait for my Kim letter!!


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