Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Seems like a very long time.....

I have been gone....busy.   Crazy daughter gave birth to my second Grandbean, 3 weeks early after a rocky pregnancy.  I have been with Lileigh Grace, while mom and dad were at the hospital....taking care of a 26 month old is truly a full time job!  we had loads of fun, and i was in awe of the transition from sweet little bean to the bean from hell! It was like someone flipped a switch!!  Suddenly, the day after Noah was born, (he was not yet home), everything in the house was hers.  EVERYTHING!  zip lock bags, the furniture, the dog, the TV remote, a glass of!  My youngest and oldest daughters came to wait for the arrival of Noah and family.  When my youngest came over to hug me, Lileigh Grace placed herself squarely between us and shouted at her, “NO! Neenee’s Mmmmm-ma!”  (she can pronounce her L’s if it is not in her name...go figure!) She really does make me laugh....a lot!
i am doing my very best to see that she gets my undivided attention and a little extra to help her know she is still my #1 Bean! I love her with all my heart and would give my life for her.  Noah is sweet and adorable in his own right....and i adore him already....but there is something magical about that first grandbean in your life!!
I have had no time to concentrate on my collage...let alone capture 6 snapshots that represent my daily routine as a time capsule, so forgive me if i took creative license to do what i could with the time that i had!  i hope you enjoy this snippet of my past few days...even if it is not my normal daily routine!

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