Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Awaiting Anxiously.......

Sometimes i am bombarded with excitement genes, and getting all wiggly inside....other times i find myself suppressing them, and savoring them with quiet contemplation.  Today i am quietly contemplating.

i am by nature fairly patient.....except with myself.  (Thus the line of work i am in...children with special needs.)  i need to think of myself as one of them....not be quite so hard on myself.  step back and breathe.  let go of the frantic pace of the northeast where everyone expects results in a New York minute. (that NY minute thing reaches out like boney fingers, all the way to the far west side of jersey trying to grab me, and i continue to run from it!)

SO.... here i sit anxiously waiting for Kim’s next communication!  exited as a child in a candy shop for what she will toss our way next, and hope i am up for the challenge.  The 6 words was harder than i thought....and work they are doing 3 words....ugh!  on a bad day i want to hand them the little paper heart with “Give me Strength”  or perhaps, “Wanna go home” or “Please send wine”! (but, i don’t drink wine... or much else, but it sounds right!)

Another sunny mild day i sit and patiently wait!  Bring it on Kim....i am ready!
HAPPY bokeh Wednesday Hump Day to all!

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