Monday, February 13, 2012

Think Happiness...

I have a real hate/despise relationship with mondays.  My weekends of creating are very important to me...and my job, altho some do not think so (you only work 3 hours a day....) is intense and leaves me drained by the time i come home.  It is a mental and emotional kind of exhaustion....the kind you get from dealing with young children who need TONS of assistance for 3 hours straight!  Don’t get me wrong....i love what i do, and hope day after day i am making an impact on their young lives...but i am just saying , it is exhausting, and i do SO look forward to my weekend....which seems to fly by 100X faster than my week does!
i just remembered this morning that i made this little collage of words to keep me focused on happiness.  It is a frame of mind that sometimes gets away from all of us.  i want to make sure that i keep it front as center as much as i possibly can...i find it helps immensely with survival during my week!
This weekend i decided to try an art project i have had in mind for a while now....and i am pretty pleased with how it came out.  it does need some fine tuning but all in all for a first try it was pretty awesome!  I hope to photograph it and put it in my next blog....altho i did shoot an instagram shot of it last night for my facebook friends to give their opinion. So far it seems to be getting positive assessment, so that made my monday morning a smiley one!
Hope you all have a wonderful start to your week....and on your way out of here....hit the fast forward button to Tuesday, will ya!?  thanks!! :)

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