Friday, March 1, 2013

POV...Shots From Above

Kim Klassen 2B D6....revisiting a lesson on POV (Point of View)
Perspective is a funny thing.  It can make you see things so differently,  expanding how you think of things, and opening new worlds of exploration.

Looking down on Lileigh Grace's "princess dress and work boots" i saw more than the mess on the floor.  I saw the scattering of little girl hopes, wishes and dreams.  The moment of a whim, that came to life, danced and twirled, and then moved on.
Looking down on Faith the Wonder Dog (trust me she deserves that name for all her troubles, as it is a wonder she is still among the living!) i saw the love and hope in her eyes.  The subtle hint of begging for perhaps a dropped morsel of something from me at the kitchen sink, or from the snack bag as i was doling out portions to my grand beans!
Looking down on the warn and tattered old book on my windowsill, i saw a well used and loved source of knowledge.  Where seeds of interest and curiosity took root and grew for someone long ago.

Perpective..... is ALWAYS worth the visit and the revisit, for you never know what you will find.

Short piece tonight...sitting for a 1 year old that only sleeps about an hour a day, and a three year old with boundless energy and no naps makes for a VERY mellow Mmmm-ma this week.  Normally i am up, playing and editing and enjoying my time in the quiet of the house....but for now i think i just need some sleep, because "sitting" is a misnomer with these rarely happens!

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