Thursday, August 9, 2012

Light Painting of a Different Kind

Today’s lesson was a lot of fun.  It was a different form of light painting than the one i tried a couple weeks ago with my daughter!  We used glow sticks and flash lights and i learned to take photos of pictures and words drawn with lights in the dark!  (More experiments with that to follow!)

This light painting is less hit or miss than the other, and just as fun. Learning how to use the tools in Elements and CS5 are always a challenge for me...i am SO very technically inept....but Kim is patient, thorough and oh, so kind and i am determined, which seems to be exactly the ticket for me to finally get it!

Bottom shot is the shot is the light painted version....i like them both but i think the light painted version has a subtle softness....sort of a dreamy boudoir feeling to it!  i am sure i will be using the light painting for faces...i am certain that will be an excellent way to make my portraits even more beautiful!!  Once again, Thank you Kim for all your hard work on our behalf with these recipes and lessons!!

1 comment:

  1. First time I've visited your blog. Nice set up. Your pictures are lovely. (Beyond +ROY)
