Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Behind the Scenes...A Journey I Choose to Take

 Me.....i am getting better at doing that self portrait thing...but sometime i am still a goof ball!  This chicken came in very handy at a point that i had to do SP's for Kim's Beyond Layers class....it distracted me from the task at hand.  i am just glad no one drove down the lane to the house and witnessed this...i already have a reputation of being a bit crazy!

i have come a long....L O N G way from just a year ago....and rather than repeat myself, you can read my beginning in my very first post in this blog.  I try not to repeat myself...my kids have trained me that to do that is REALLY annoying!! Sometimes i listen to them....other times not so much!  It is another part of my learning to be the me i was born to be. :)  The not listening part, i mean!
 Art is my passion...photography in particular.  I have rediscovered my love for it over the course of the past five or six years. (When all my girls were away at college, and i finally had a little time)  I never felt i had any particular talent.  That is explained in the my first blog story as well.  I am to the point now that i believe i do have some (talent that is).....not so sure HOW much, but with all the support that i have gotten in the past few years, i have begun to believe in me.
 As you can see, i can honestly say i have no particular "specialty", i just love photographing everything.  "Decrepitude" is one of my favorite things.  i love old things and primitives for decorating, and antique accents. chairs and quilts.  This old barber chair was part of Eastern State Penitentiary, in Philadelphia.  A fascinating place to shoot, with all of the texture.  i used the shots i took here to learn how to do HDR. it was a fun shoot and interesting to learn the whole HDR thing!

 I am a grandma (OUCH! i hate that word).  I am waaaaaay too young to be a grandma, so my friends all call me Avia!!  It means grandmother in Latin and i just think it is more "me".  Grandma is MY mom, that little teeny, white haired, 82 year old that lives in Florida!  My daughter's steadfastly refuse to use that term.  They decided the kids will call me whatever they will call me....so Lileigh Grace has christened me Mmmm-ma! Noah Jacob is too little yet to call me anything....and Luke Maddox is due any moment....literally, as my daughter is having contractions as i type!  I am very excited....i will be one of the birthing coaches, perhaps tonight....so i better type faster!
Soooo...this is pretty much my first blog entry for Behind the Scenes.  I do hope to get the hang of this. I told Kim and Xanthe that after reading their introductions about WHY? that i was kind of a blend of both of them.  Like Kim i have been pretty much a quiet artist, as a kid and adult.  A few close friends...but shy and reserved in high school, who loved to hang out in the "Art House", where the art classes took place.  (I also love to read.)  Like Xanthe, i just began my own business as a photographer....with the verbal encouragement from a few close friends that find what i do to be special and "a gift".  It is the first real encouragement i have ever gotten, to pursue what i dearly love.  i am forever indebted to them for keeping the pressure on me to recognize that and make the effort to live my long put on hold dream.

i look forward to this whole adventure, and to meeting my classmates and sharing ideas.  I am hoping i have as much to offer as i desire to take from all of you!  My why? is because i have discovered how much i love to write....and because i need to reach out to others if i expect to succeed at my passion.  i have no idea how, so what better way than to do this kind of class where i can learn and meet new friends with interesting idea's and beautiful art!
For the moment, trust that i am a wonky soul with a huge humor gene and the best of intentions in whatever i attempt here, but face plants and scar creation is always possible and quite probable!!! i am learning to deal with that and not call myself a failure, or allow anyone else to.  Thanks for understanding! :)

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