Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My Littlest Big Interruption!

Life has a way of throwing my age you would think i would know and expect that!  Enter Luke Maddox...Sept. 5th 2012.

My daughter was due on Sept. 2nd.  Her doctors told her they would induce her the week before so he would not be too big for her to deliver.  She was a high risk pregnancy for most of it, and they wanted no issues.  They set up a tentative date for induction....Tuesday,  August 28th...with the words:
 "Don't think you will make it through the weekend."  The weekend came and went.  Monday she went to her doctor visit and they decided to cancel the induction, because Luke was not in exactly the right place and that meant inducing would increase her likelihood of a C-section.  She was told..."things are probably before the weekend." i have been here a full week because of the first indication of impending birth. (It is a 5.5 hour drive to her house and she wanted someone here, since her husband was going to work until the day she went into labor.) Another week, and weekend Luke.  Another doctor visit, scheduled for Tuesday the 4th....and she wakes Tuesday morning in labor.  OK!  Here we go!!  2 days past her due date but that's ok...we are ready! (she more than anyone)

To make a long story short....missed her Tuesday doctor appt.....intense labor for 21 hours and 2 hours of pushing....and they decide it was C-section time at 4:00am on Wed. the 5th....Great Grandma's birthday!  By 4:30 am, Luke was back in the room, with mama and daddy....and me!  i was there as a labor coach, along with my son in law, but when it got to be delivery by c-section, i had to stay behind and wait...but not long for the happy moment!

I have been quite busy for the past 2 weeks.  My daughter was hit with a wicked bout of postpartum depression and so i opted to stay thru this week, when her husband had to return to work.  I am enjoying my time here, but working hard to make it all easier for my daughter.  She is finally beginning to feel better and calmer...  more self assured that she can handle things and is getting some sleep. i am getting some precious bonding time with my 3rd little grand bean...and will be supremely sad when it is my time to go home.  Luke is doing just 9 days has gained 11 oz., and is sleeping in 3-4.5 hour stretches overnight.  I, on the other hand have a lot of catching up to do....both back home in NJ and with my 3 classes...blessings to  my teacher Kim for being the amazing and sweet, understanding teacher she is!

Yes, babies may be tiny, but they bring an avalanche of big delightful changes to your life!

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