Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Well, Hello Yellow!!!!   Spring has sprung with a vengeance here in Northwestern NJ...and i could not be happier!  The Daffodils are up and awake...and after the past few days in the 70’s the forsythia is popping! Yellow seems to be the first color to wake up.  The Orchid shot was taken today after work, since i needed something YELLOW for the Beyond Layers class (Kim Klassen....love her!!).  I did try and make it easy on myself and take a shot of the school buses lined up in the parking lot at school....but i was not fond of them soooo....off i went to the Orchid Greenhouse to find me some yellow there!  The other shots are archive shots.  i never realized how many yellow shots have taken, until i began to look through my flower folder!

ANOTHER busy day tomorrow with my grandbeans in the morning....and eel herding in the afternoon...due for another gorgeous day in the 70’s and sunny.....oh, how “sunny” makes me smile. i treated myself to 3 bunches of sunflowers today, and as i was driving home, i decided that they are OFFICIALLY my favorite flower!

I hope you all had a great day chasing yellow....can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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