I tried changing things on my Blog.....like how it was presented. Then, suddenly i noticed that there was no place to add a new post. No tab, no button, nothing. I tried going out of it and then back in....nothing.....just my old blog photos and a list of posts....and nowhere that i could figure out how to get back to a place that i could add new stories or photos. After many MANY frustrated tries, i simply gave up, chalking it up to “YOU need to concentrate on making your business work...you have no time for blogging”...or attempting to, since i really am not all that sure i know what i am doing with a blog anyway! i took it as a sign....and i forgot about it.
Low and behold, today i looked at someone’s, and thought, OK....why not give this another try. Start over, fresh. So i clicked on something that said “start a blog” or some such thing, and low and behold it brought up MY very own HeLLo WoRLd blog!! Complete with the ability to post a new bunch of words!!!
Am i excited!!?? You BET! i still have no real time to devote to a blog, however...since i suffer from periodic insomnia, the wee small hours might be when i get it done!! i do love to write...almost as much as i love photography....
so.....here i am again! Not sure if you are as excited as i am...quite possibly not, but i will do my best to entertain you, i promise....if not with words, with some of my photos :)
i have included a few things i have done for this class, and i am totally smitten with Still Life now! i hope you enjoy them. I also hope that i get better at figuring out this whole blog template thing, since i have seen other blogs with nice big photos and i keep getting these wee things stuck in here with my words!! Wish me luck....and hope you have a beautiful week!