Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Add Your Own Sky...

Add your own sky....oh, if only we could do that in
the real world!

i am not sure how you feel about that but i know that beautiful sunrises and sunsets make me a much happier person overall!
i would occasionally add a starlit sky, or a tumultuous sky with bolts of lightning to match my moods.  It would be kind of fun.

i had a lot of fun with this challenge from my 2B class.  i also struggled with it, as i never should have tried it when i was tired.  That being said, i did, and i stuck with it until i finally figured out what step i missed!

the photo to the right was done with a sunset sky that i had in my archives...unfortunately the skies here in Northern Virginia have been rather cloudy the past few days...and someone stole my warm ;(

Ironically the second sky was taken very near to where the first one was taken. there is a spot near a shopping center where i live in NJ, that has wide open spaces for sky shots. 
Both of these skies were really pretty, and altho hard to
tell, the bottom shot had pink, and white clouds in the baby blue sky.  i did enjoy this challenge and am looking forward to warmth and nice skies in SC next week....and it would be nice if it complied with my wishes while i am still here in Va too!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Cinderella Dream...Cottage to Castle

I went on a spur of the moment jaunt with a friend to check out a few Antique places in the area.  She is new to "West Bumblefuk" as she calls it out here in the wilds of Northwestern NJ, having lived on the east side of the state, since....well......as long as i have known her!  

She found a wild and very different carved mask for a special spot on one of her walls....i personally think it would make a fabulous focal point for any of her walls, as she has quite a few pieces that would work SO well with it!  I managed to find a very vintage little suitcase....to go with my slightly larger vintage suitcase.  To make matters even better, both were on sale for 20% off!

When i saw the challenge from Kim Klassen for this weeks lesson,  i was elated! i have never tried tinting...other than APPLYING a preset tint with my Nik software. (BTW, Silver Effects Pro is AMAZING!)
I was pretty certain that i would mess up SOMETHING when i tried it myself, but to my astonishment it worked the very first time!!  i was very exited because i had the perfect photo in my mind from the little excursion to the antique shops.  This particular shop had quite a few very cool chandeliers....from the most ornate and sparkly to rusted metal.  I fell in love for the look of the sparkly crystal against the very vintage, peeling paint doors that she used as a backdrop in the shop.  i am VERY pleased with how this looks!  The whole thing just reminded me of Cinderella....going from the wretched cottage to the beautiful sparkly castle!  i used a slightly warm graduated filter, combines with a very pale pink.  i am smitten with the look!

The Mask....and my sweet little vintage suitcase!!  Yes....the mask is strange....but i think it is very cool!  My suitcase....well, what can i say....it was love at first sight!!  It will make it into some SP's along the way and some portrait shoots as well!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  Can't wait to peek at the tinted shots! :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Beach, Spa.....Ahhhhhhhh

I know...we were supposed to choose our favorite color and do our homework centered around that.  i was far too excited to give this a try...somehow i think i missed this in Beyond Layers homework....i had a lot on my plate last year! Anyway....i had no time to gather blue....i adore blue, always have.  i do admit to having had a fling with pink this past year...and that is hanging on still, but blue still remains my true favorite color.

i find myself dreaming of Summer, often.  (At this point i would actually be thrilled if Spring would make an appearance!)  To keep myself from going totally off the deep end and out of a straightjacket, i maintain my studio room in beach decor and colors....the room is white but accented with the colors of the beach.  I had done a few spa type shots with my shells and sea glass and came across this one.  i decided that i would experiment with my first Color Board, using this shot!  That explains the reason it is not all one color.....with apologies to Kim!  i promise i will do another one in just my favorite colors as soon as i have a little time on the weekend.

Working in Elements 11 after very nearly mastering Elements 10 was a bit frustrating.  i have trouble locating things and therein lies my escalating frustration level with 11.  I adored my E10 program and could move through what i was doing with confidence....with E11, not so much!  i am sure i will grow to love it just in time to have to upgrade to 12! I can't seem to get used to how simplified it looks....and i am thinking it is cleaner looking because they hid things!! I feel like i am on a scavenger hunt every time i use it! i now am beginning to open it and say to myself, "OK, ready for another adventure, Susan?  Don't get frustrated....breathe....it will work out!"  i find the pep talk helps a bit!

i hope to streamline how much time it takes me to do these lessons by the time the end of April comes.  i am heading to Charleston, SC. for a little vacation...i will be bringing all my work, and paraphernalia with me, so that i don't fall too far behind.  i will be gone the week BEFORE going to SC, dog and apartment sitting for my youngest daughter...then possibly home for a few days before leaving again.
i don't want to get behind to the point that i feel overwhelmed, so therefore, i will be packing everything i need so i can try and do the lessons at night....because during the day i will be soaking in my beloved south, camera in hand!! :)