Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Follow the Light :)

Have i told you lately how much i enjoy my 2B class!?  I popped in this evening to find the most wonderfilled wonderful and inspiring chat from Kim....just when i was beginning to feel like the dreary of winter was never going to end, and have been lamenting the nasty cold and wind of the past week.

Kim talked about light.  A subject dear to my heart.  I simply ADORE light!  i can not live without it streaming into my life and my house.  It baffles me to go to my daughters houses and find curtains closed and blinds shut tight....what IS that???  like living in a cave....i run around opening curtains and blinds after they leave to go where they are going!

i live in a house built over 3 time periods....the oldest section dates back to the mid 1700's....the other sections are additions to the tiny one room farmhouse, and were added in 1826, 1920,  and the last addition in the early 1930's.  i often "follow the light" from room to room when doing photo's inside.
Early morning light at the front of the house...late day light at the back of the house.  Midday light on the covered porch...and i am lucky enough to have a white room off the kitchen with loads of late afternoon light.
The photos i chose to include here were taken in mid morning, at my open front door in the 1826 section of the the room that was probably once a parlor of sorts, but is actually my dining room now.

There is nothing more beautiful that light streaming inside.  it brightens more than just the room. It makes my spirit soar!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Inside Out....

2B, Day 4

Anxious to get busy on this very interesting and fun assignment for BeyondBeyond!  i snagged a few minutes before i had to run out to sit for my 2 grand beans last night and played in my edit room with the shots i took during the afternoon.  The first one was done "cold"....because that was how i felt after carrying out my inside things and staging them in the dusting of snow in the woods.  I do not tolerate cold well and it took me some time and a hot cuppa, to be able to edit without shivering!  I loved the muted tones and how the glass matched the colors of the winter woods and the little chest.  As i was finishing up, i got the reminder text that i needed to be out of here in 20 i promised myself i would try another a bit warmer, with a texture and a quote.

I had the chance to do that today after church, and the luncheon in honor of my grand bean, Noah, who had his church Dedication ceremony today (like a Christening elsewhere).  I find photography to be SO magical.  The mood evoked from one photo can be totally changed with a bit of playtime in editing....
i very much like both of these, altho they are the same, they are really quite different, don't you think!?

In the warmer version, i used the Kim Klassen texture Isobel in Soft Light at 100% opacity, and the lettering is Pea Annie at 66% opacity, using the dark greenish brown color from the pine needles on the ground  to the left.   OR....i might be all mixed up and those instructions are not exactly what happened!  i really need to start writing things down!!

I am SO over the moon with this class.  It pushes me to engage myself fully in the assignments... sometimes to the point of agonizing over the creative aspects.   i sometimes am a complete creative blank and this PUSHES me to stretch and reach and challenge myself to do what i KNOW in my heart i can do.  I do not always win in my challenges, but i do feel good that i try my best and give it my all with each can not fail, if you can only fail if you fail to try.  :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Little DOF Art :) spite of some more glitches in the machine here, i managed to get 2B Day 2 under my belt!  I Adore playing with depth of field with my shots, and took the opportunity to do so while Lileigh Grace was engaged in her artwork.  She is progressing quite well for a 3 year old, might i add!

i ALWAYS have my camera with me when i go to her house to visit or watch her and Noah Jacob.  Usually, the camera and just the EF 24-105 zoom lens, as it is good for drive-by shootings of the photographic kind as well as shots of the beans!

i normally shoot in manual mode, but have been known to throw it into AV for a different effect.  Experimenting with my equipment is something i love to do.  There is no fear of failure...there are exciting lessons to be learned and i learn best with the hands on approach.  i am a show me kind of gal! (Therefore i am hoping i can figure out why i can't access the Vimeos anymore...another glitch) So here are my DOF shots for the day 2 lesson/challenge.  Now i am off to make dinner.....ever the at home challenge with a ripped up kitchen and no ovens....and with all the issues i have been having and trying to solve all day with my email, the day flew by without accomplishing half of what i needed to do.

i promise, Kim....i will step back and revel in my laundry....each piece of clothing will get my complete attention and i will not think about all the other stuff that needs doing, so that i am not frazzled.  I am hoping that your "doing dishes" trick works for me, altho i do LOVE doing laundry!  Yes, i know....i am a "sick puppy", or as a friend never misses a chance to point out, an "odd duck"!!

Keep on clickin'!!